Tuesday, August 15, 2006

gloat like a mofo

did anyone catch the ffm19 the other night? where only halfway thru the show are the winners be given the right to gloat and give their acceptance speech? i just dont get it man, like why give them awards when they cant take their time to appreciate and give their thanks and such... ok so maybe gloat is a harsh term but nevertheless, i find it weird at the fact that only halfway thru the show did they realise that 'oh crap, we have so much airtime left, maybe we should let them speak'.

the whole sharifah amani thing... damn man, in my opinion is completely bogus... from the moment she spoke, i knew someone was gonna make a big fuss out of it... 'i sound stupid when i speak malay' does not mean that my iq drops down 90 points when i speak or embrace my language, it just means that i am more comfortable when i speak english, geez man... and the other thing "kalau membuat filem mencemarkan budaya kita, lets do it more often", some may take this in and insensitive manner but if you think about it, it makes perfect sense.. alot of people mix culture with tradition, i am not saying that we should meddle with tradition, i am saying that we should meddle with our culture, lets provoke it, hell it makes great movies, our multiracial culture with a taboo for segragation(sp?) yet it is still there, we are all racist deep down, dont even dare to not admit it, lets destroy this culture... okay so maybe you are not getting me here, lets take a movie for instance, a prof madya movie... if you even bother to pop your head into the cinema how many different races do you see? okay now lets try it with a yasmin ahmad movie... how many different races do you see? ... i rest my case

besides this, i just hope that anak anak seni can blossom to what they really are, with the utmost freedom of expression without any whiplash, kalau tak, macam mana film industry kita nak maju...

anyhoots, if i dont post til next month, i just wanna wish everyone a good merdeka.. merdeka!!! merdeka from opression of censorship, merdeka from the narrow thinking that leads to chucking kulit durian out of a car window on the plus highway, merdeka everyone


Blogger Abhilash Chandra said...

ive never ever watched the films u just mentioned by any of those directors...( dont know who they are ) and ive never liked malaysian award shows cause they suck big time....their so bias....bias motherfuckers....fuck them idiots....

im not bein unmalaysian....but if we were to make a truly malaysian movie...they would cut it up...they wont show it...why? cause its against what the society wants( MORE LIKE AGAINST THE GOVERN MENT )...think about it...if were to show what really goes on in taylors colege...if it were in movie form...all the shit tht goes around SS15...tht itself would be deemed against what society wants to see...but lets face it...THATS THE MALAYSIAN CULTURE....fuckin biased motherfuckers

and waht show wins???

fuckin BULI...please tht movie aint even worth jack squats....its a funny movie yes...thts it!!!
shit like tht wins...no substance at all...al crap

just look at tht puteri gunung ledang horse shit of a movie tht made it..it wass utter CRAP...and yet they hailed it as a good movie...plese they need to just sit down pucker up and KISSMYBROWNASS...what happend to all them indie movies made by those other directors.??????..they chuck to one corner....fuck them all...assholes....

tht chinese director who made such a beautiful film...i cant remember his name...but i saw it ....it was really actually good...but the mofo didnt get any recognition!!!

why? cause them is racist assholes...he aint melayu...so takleh!!!....seriously...no offence akmal....but thts how it is...all to malays to the entertainment industry here....cina india...buang...lol

adoi....konon la malaysian film awards.....my left nut....

tht chinese director from puteri gunung ledang...even he got a lot of heat for directing tht shit ass movie....sheesh...

4:16 AM  
Blogger Akerzz said...

yeah man, i know what you mean, i'km pissed off at that fact too, takkan la melayu jer to get recognition right...
you wanna talk about culture, ok heres one.. a malay guy asks me what is our culture, and i can say, oh kita pakai baju melayu, minum sirap and sambut raya and stuff, but if an indian or a chinese guy ask me the same question.. i'll be stunned mate, no idea how to respond, damn man, this is the mentality that needs to change mate

8:36 PM  

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