Wednesday, May 24, 2006

stupidity knows no boundaries, albeit race, religion or political beliefs

righteous my dear brothers, thy narrator went and checked out the da vinci code.. yes yes spoilers ahoy!!
im sorry to say that it did not live up to my expectation, sad as my expectation for the movie was rather low. now where shall i begin, oh yes the very beginning would be nice.. for starters the fact that silas red eyes was made green really put me off, it was on that particular point of the movie that i realise that no they are not gonna stick true to the book. fine not sticking to particular minute details is something that i can live with but leaving out a whole damn puzzle was really a letdown... tears my dear brothers, tears...and the ending... good god, how in the hell does a whole priory of sion just appeared out of nowhere??? "oooh yeah we were just passing roslin chapel on our way to the leather jacket convention and we saw your car out front and thought hey lets go and say hi!!!"---- dumbash!!! this is merely just major stuff that i felt strongly about, for more rants on this subject, see me in real life.
anyhoots, me exams is going rather smoothly thus far, smiles replacing stress as the papers pass by. i have seen stress, talk to him and find his presence rather unpleasent. stress can be defined as being stuck in a room with a really annoying mime, he doesnt say anything yet his presence mock you. ah well only 14 more days to total freedom..till then im back in the mime room

Thursday, May 18, 2006

something smells like kambing

ah back again are we, into this mere existence that is the internet, where verbal vomit and excrements of thoughts and rants may take place as they please.. the world is man's urinal, and the internet is everyones cubicle.. so my life has taken a sickening twist, as the 18 months of classes has come to and abrupt end, and only a week after that my mom gets an offer to shoot off to perth... me plans of bumming around for the next six month will not be a reality... as much as it is merely a fantasy... hark!