Tuesday, July 08, 2008

I used to be schizophrenic, but we're o.k now.

have you ever thought of the physical implications of your own knee? i mean, it really is a biological wonder on how they work, imagine if it were on backwards. imagine if the next step in evolution would be backward knees, this would have serious repercussions on the chair industry and the 100m dash records. hi there, if you are new to this blog and is already sick of my writing or feeling rather queasy, well, grab a paper bag cos its only gonna get more fucked up! yeaaaay!

if you havent noticed, this is gonna be a rant piece.. like yeah, one of them pieces that can only make sense when you're stuck in traffic after a hard day's work cleaning wombat ( an implement of playing 'wom' (McDermott, P., GNW, 2008 ) ) cages. now lets talk about stuff that really annoys you, besides me, no really, besides me, what annoys me the most, besides myself, is generalisation of things... i should really clarify that shouldnt i, this my dear readers is what we call irony...

leaning more towards stereotyping is what really grinds my gears ( MacFarlane, S., 2006? ). not only within a racial circle, stereotyping stuff as well, like i can say that epiphone guitars are crap in comparison to gibsons.. they're not, i mean if you look up the history of the two, epiphone was gibsons main rival and what not before the war and bla bla bla... the point that im trying to get across here is the idea that behind everything and everyone is a story, a story that is worth your while to listen to before you make any judgement towards him/her/it/whatever laaaaa

wow, thats an awfully short and crappy rant, well whatcha gonna do, im just doing this piece so i can reach the conclusion where i get to give my shout out to people and what not, so big ups to saru hime, stop being sad, to himiko chan, to kazuki san, thanks for the shirt, to dave the bear, to dennis and danny, my korean brothers, to everyone on my msn list and especially to you my dear readers, for now you know the meaning of regret.