in my opinion, malaysia needs a new line of entertainers, those that just stick to their particular talent and make a living out of it, rather than they try to be great at everything and make a mockery out of the industry. what im trying to say is, there are too many of singer/actor in this country, why cant they just be singer or actor, if you watch television interviews with a new singer right, i bet you a month worth of underwear that one of the question that will pop-up will be " takder hasrat ke nak berlakon lepas ni?" like wtf man! i dont mind those who can actually act, i mean credits where credits due, e.g: adibah noor, afdlin shauki and what not, but the other ones, y'know, it doenst take no rocket scientist to spot them out, they tend to overact anyway like speak english with a brit accent or menggedik-gedikkan character diorang..... we cant all be great at everything right? that is why steven seagal's records never went plantinum for fucks sake..
its not like its the sixties right? people stopped singing in movies right? if i wanted to see actors sing i'll go to a fucking theatre where they actually do it PROPERLY ... fuck!
another thing thats really been bugging me like a salty pain in the ass is reality singing shows where the public holds the complete and utter power over who wins, because it is clear that these shows are merely popularity contests, and it can easily be won with money,and friends who doesnt give a shit what you sound like cos they will still vote for you, which in my book does
not constitute as a friend... anyone who'se been watching blast off would agree with me here, good bands are actually eliminated and the sucky ones stays... fuck man...
many other factors roll into the voting bullshit, but thats a story for another day...
its not like its the sixties right? people stopped singing in movies right? if i wanted to see actors sing i'll go to a fucking theatre where they actually do it PROPERLY ... fuck!
another thing thats really been bugging me like a salty pain in the ass is reality singing shows where the public holds the complete and utter power over who wins, because it is clear that these shows are merely popularity contests, and it can easily be won with money,and friends who doesnt give a shit what you sound like cos they will still vote for you, which in my book does
not constitute as a friend... anyone who'se been watching blast off would agree with me here, good bands are actually eliminated and the sucky ones stays... fuck man...
many other factors roll into the voting bullshit, but thats a story for another day...