Sunday, August 24, 2008

For people who like peace and quiet - a phoneless cord.

Walking is a task that i enjoy, its gives me great pleasure (no, not in that sense, damn it idzo! haha) to see how we turn left and right using nothing but the swing of our hips; it swivels!! seriously, have you ever stopped to see how we change directions in the streets, the complexity of the relationship between the brain and our legs is beyond me... and that is why im not cut out for med school... its either that or my horrible 'a' levels results.. shattap!

you know what ive never understood? insecurities, well perhaps, i do have a certain recollection of what it means to be insecure, my depression era has taught me the true meaning of the damn word, it feeds on you, makes you feel worthless at what you may find to be a fault in your system. however this "fault" may not even be visible to the society as a whole. what im trying to get across here is the idea that your insecurites are your own personal demon, no, not the Succubus, Iffrit or Leviathan kind, more towards the "voices in my head that tells me to cut off my own ping ping" kind... society is blind my dear readers

the most common kind of insecurity is prolly the one involving the physical body. "i'm too ugly/short/skinny/fat/bald" and so on and so on. However, does what you look like ever defines who you are? unless of course, you're out there to make a statement, case in point; superman. im not saying that people wont judge you, sure they will, but how will that affect who you are as a person? to answer my own rhetorical question, no! if it does affect you, then by joe, you need help oh dear reader

the people that i adore the most are the ones who embrace their insecurities, i do see the paradox in this statement, how my judgement of a person is based on what they do with their insecurities, but please take in a positive light will ya? now shattap, eat a cookie..

where was i, oh yeah, for example, i have this friend; the beautiful princess named ruzanna. now those who knows her well enough will say that this little cookie is a sandwhich short of a picnic (yes i do realise that im using a lot of food imageries, im hungry damn it), but she embraces the nutty side, and to me that my fwens, that is beautiful

now im gonna go and get me a cuban visa, cos i know that ru will prolly come after me with bloodlust... she's gonna skin me with a spoon


Thursday, August 07, 2008

every 10 minutes a woman gives birth to a child, she must be found and stopped

the dankish doom of gloom known as boredom struck me, tied me, gagged me(if you are turned on by this, then kind sir/madam, please leave my site and proceed to the countless s&m websites that are available on this vast sea of shit known as the interwebs) and forced me to re-read all my previous post, a task that took me no longer than 5 minutes. i think theres collectively less than 20 post written within the last 2 years. 2 years! HOLY PIGSHIT BATMAN (if you are turned on by this statement, then yes you do have a poo fetish coupled with a shiny leather fetish too and yes feel free to explore the interwebs, ctrl+t so u dont have to open another window) i mean if my blog was a baby, then it would have been able to walk on its tentacles by now, whoaaaa..

i realise that i do have a talent for writing utter fecal matters and still people would read them, case in point, you my dear reader, yes you, no, dont you dare click the close button, i have cookies...

now thats out of the way lets get down to business.

lets explore this little concept of love shall we. what is it? well my friends, i believe that love is a feeling that you get, a zone of euphoria, that affects the mind, body and spirit of its inhabitants. its a drug thats the high not the pill (seal, 1998, kiss from a rose). like all drugs, when the effects wear off, the downer effects take place. symptoms may include, annoyance, ability to fake a smile, listening to old school r&b, zoning out for an hour staring at the closet while sitting on the bed after showering and many many more. in short, love is like eating ribs, tasty, messy and you'll suck it to the bone (no pun intended) in the end, when you have nothing left, you're left with barbecue sauce all over your face, in a mess, staring in the mirror thinking; what the fuck did i just do?

mmmmmmmmmmmmeeh, guess im just a pessimist, a cynic if you must, but being the narcissist that i am, i like to think of myself like a durian; sharp, heavy, hard and pretty much a prick on the outside, but deep inside im all soft and sweet.. hahahahaha k you can leave now.

i love you guys! wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee