Saturday, October 27, 2007

All's fun and game until someone hurts a kidney...

Alas! Uni started, happynyer aku!! finally hidupku bermula! finally aku ada physical friends that i can actually see and touch and talk to and not my imaginary buddies who lives in my shoebox, sad i know, but compared to 3 weeks ago, trust me, it was alot sadder... it was so sad that, bah lets not get into that..
anyhoots to all you ignorants who still dont know, im taking communications, doing what i think so far in my book what i think is right for me. Because for once in my life, i was actually grinning ear to ear upon getting piled on with assignments, magical, abosulutely magical and i am actually going as mad as a bicycle, cos ive already started doing them and i'm having a jolly old time doing it.
im taking marketing as an elective for now, will prolly consider doing it as a second major next year, never had a lecturer that was so universally funny. my uni is filled with international students, its rare to see local australian kids to trod about really, i finally have a car, those who know me knows my luck with cars, so lets pray that my luck changes with this one.
i'm studying cyberculture, pretty interesting stuff, we're studying why mangkehs like you are reading crap like this on teh interwebsss, and why i bother writing them, will it make me popular? no! will it make me rich? maybe.. heres to wishful thinking... the campus is soo laid back man, my hobbies now include lying down on the grass drinking coffee watching the day go by, yeah im a beatnik, throw rocks at me, well you cant can you? so hah!
funny thing about this place tho, and im talking about perth in general, when the weather is hot, that is when the flies awake from their slumber and come at you like you owe them child support, so you try to beat that bitch with a stick, with your pimp ass right hand, and stomp that trick with yo' playahata shoes... but seriously the flies are really, really annoying...
oooh before i forget i was sick last week, it was horrible, threw my schedule a week back, my back was aching like mad and my left kidney's in pain cos i had a glandular fever, bah, you can never see it coming can you... ok thats all for now my little minions and voices and... oh fine bananas and pears, cos you guys are my darlingsssss arent you just sooo.. who's the widdle little.... k before i further creep you guys out i shall leave you with some famous words that was once said by a very famous doctor;

Saturday, October 06, 2007

For sale: parachute, only used once, never opened, small stain.

the sound of loud drummings that hurts your ears and sync with your heartbeat, how i long for those, it immediately puts me back into a jamming room, the comfort of it, unsettling, not wanting to disappoint your band mates but yet still having the best time of your life, feeling like a rockstar even without an audience. Coming down here have been a mixed blessing, i get a second chance to restart my life, yet letting go of my old one is too hard.

bah you've heard me rant on and on about that issue countless of times, so i'm just gonna stop bitching about it, heck i wanted to come here, i couldve just stayed back at home and studied in itm or somewhere, but i prayed for an escape, so here i am, and im glad. Especially since my uni is just starting on Wednesday. It sucks having to take a year out, not knowing of how your life is gonna work out, not having control over your own destiny, having a vision, without a path to even begin the first step with. It sucks watching your friends moving on with their lives, passing you by, with you knowing that at one point, you were all on an even playing field, but there is nothing you can do, not even rant about it, cos deep inside, you knew that you couldve done something about it. but the moment is gone and theres nothing else to do but move on, look forward and move on.

i guess this is where having friends comes in handy, they are there for you(please forgive this hallmark moment), they look past your failure, encourage you to hold your head up high and be strong about it. we all have our moments i guess, but you guys have no idea how much you mean to me. i'd like to take this chance to give a shout out to the people i didnt get to say goodbye to before i left, i'm sorry, dont take it personally, i was such in a rush in the last week i didnt even get to see my girlfriend, i love you sayang. bukan ko la apek, hahahaha

apek you owe me for the client, i shall claim my loot when i return tahun depan, besides that, i am sooooo looking forward to serj tankian's solo album, yeay!

guess that about wraps it up, my classes starts on the 15th with orientation on the 10th, my life is now back on track, will prolly update after raya...

take care folks, selamat hari raya and my sincerest apologies to all ive done wrong to, maaf zahir batin