Friday, January 23, 2009

blankity blank blank bitchheeessss

ive been slapped with a great deal of inspiration to write, not a post, a book, an actual story, unfortunately this idea has been turned into a movie, of which i have never seen or can recall the title of.. mmeh

today i came to a realization, well i stumbled into a question really; why is it so much harder to be thankful for what we have rather than be envious towards those around us?
why cant we come to peace with the cards that we have been dealt with.. why does jealousy even exist to begin with?

i believe that we can actually reach nirvana (we passed upon the stairs, we spoke of was and when, although i wasnt there, he said i was his friiiend - the man who sold the world, go listen mangkuk) if we can just overcome this tiny little obstacle, this puny little wall of insecurity and come to terms with how we look, how much cash we have in our wallets, what car we drive etc...

what amazes me is that i think we have to make peace with ourselves before we can make peace with the world.. no im not high, shaddafrakup..

if we want the things that we dont have then all we have to do is put in a little bit of work, little by little; you're too skinny? eat more, too fat? exercise(tee hee, i dont even know the meaning of the word), material possessions? just save up for crying out loud. sure little sacrifices must be made, but hey doesn't the end always justifies the mean?

having no anger, resentment, bitterness towards anything does not make you inhuman, heck if anything it gives your soul a little rest.

now go on, have one last cry, sleep and promise yourself a better, fresher tomorrow.

again i am not high, i just felt like being a spiritual guru... pwn bitchess


Blogger Tipsy Darlene said...

OOO!! Someone's inspired yo! Why do I have a "strong feeling" that it was from the forward email I sent pagi tadi?

please tell me if my "strong feeling" is wrong. lol.

P/s: Me likey the 1nd last sentence. =D

8:19 AM  
Blogger Akerzz said...

you is teh wrong!! hahaha, i got inspired cos i was dead bored from having no human contact whatsoever.. pretty much meditation i suppose... i hate being left alone with my thoughts, its scary... =S

2:58 PM  

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