Friday, January 23, 2009

blankity blank blank bitchheeessss

ive been slapped with a great deal of inspiration to write, not a post, a book, an actual story, unfortunately this idea has been turned into a movie, of which i have never seen or can recall the title of.. mmeh

today i came to a realization, well i stumbled into a question really; why is it so much harder to be thankful for what we have rather than be envious towards those around us?
why cant we come to peace with the cards that we have been dealt with.. why does jealousy even exist to begin with?

i believe that we can actually reach nirvana (we passed upon the stairs, we spoke of was and when, although i wasnt there, he said i was his friiiend - the man who sold the world, go listen mangkuk) if we can just overcome this tiny little obstacle, this puny little wall of insecurity and come to terms with how we look, how much cash we have in our wallets, what car we drive etc...

what amazes me is that i think we have to make peace with ourselves before we can make peace with the world.. no im not high, shaddafrakup..

if we want the things that we dont have then all we have to do is put in a little bit of work, little by little; you're too skinny? eat more, too fat? exercise(tee hee, i dont even know the meaning of the word), material possessions? just save up for crying out loud. sure little sacrifices must be made, but hey doesn't the end always justifies the mean?

having no anger, resentment, bitterness towards anything does not make you inhuman, heck if anything it gives your soul a little rest.

now go on, have one last cry, sleep and promise yourself a better, fresher tomorrow.

again i am not high, i just felt like being a spiritual guru... pwn bitchess

Monday, January 19, 2009

Seeeee my vest! - Mr. Burns

lately i've been listening to what home has to offer in terms of the indie music scene. and i must say, i'm proud of what ive heard so far. they are teh awesome man, like yuna, man she sounds like lisa hannigan, her lyrics and what not, its fresh really fresh. and bittersweet, i cant remember where they're based but my god, its awesome, listen to a song called capital e, it really does have a touch of the good ol' pop yeh yeh days man..

anyhoots the main point of this post is to promote a starving young artist, a friend of mine; chea is one talented frakker with a marker, so chekkim out!

Thursday, January 08, 2009

'Veni, Vidi, Velcro' - I came, I saw, I stuck around.

ngahah! your friendly neighborhood blogger is back again, alas, am i trying to break my previous record of a measly 6 post last year, perhaps, perhaps, perhaps (cake, cover, go tube it). anyhoots, i am alive again, seeing other people's issues; because thats what people do, they have issues, real ones; made me realize that my problem is merely a lump in a sea of shit(jthm - god i love using this quote).

so thanks to a few reinforcements, namely; painting to heavy metal scores, batman comic books, hookers, blow and most importantly fwens (awwwww so kyoooot), i have finally come up with a new years resolution. so here goes;

i Raja Hairul Akmal being of sound mind and body will promise to do at least one good deed a day, to make this world a better place.

emphasis on sound mind and body just in case my friends are actually reading this piece of fecal matter(ghod the poo analogy is running amok tonight) i call a blog.

why did i chose this resolution i hear you whine oh my dear readers, well its simple, if i can focus on doing a good deed rather than being naaaaaaaaaughty, i will

a) put myself in an awesome place in karma

b) have a kick ass story to tell everytime i feel like blogging

yes memang ada udang di sebalik tahu, but hey, if it makes the world, at least the world that I live in a better place, why not?

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

gob frickin owns!

this hits the nail right on the head

i'm an idiot, that much is pretty clear to me and everyone that knows me. but the clarity has never been so crystal til tonight. how do you deal when you yourself is your worst antagonist... frak it. no seriously. frak it.

im trying so hard to remain positive. life has been running as smoothly as i could expect, but theres this tiny little voice in my head that keeps bugging me, telling me that the road not taken is perhaps the only right way in the pursuit of happiness...

i'm so sorry for reasons unknown, stupidity ensues

on a side note, arrested development owns no matter how many times you watch the whole freakin series.

Sunday, January 04, 2009

ku bukan super-star

at the risk of sounding like a dirty hippie, im beginning to see life in a more positive light. i have found 'the secret' and somehow that shit pretty much got me motivated. oh my! what a weak little mind you have i hear you say, but fuck you! im smarter than you oh naysayers, the eloquence of my diction says it all.

where was i? oh yeah, with all the crappy little shitty things in life that has been happening to me lately, i did go into a slump of... shit, dare i say it? depression.. but i dare not show it. i hate those mopey little people who carries their problems on their faces, i believe there is a term for those people, what was it? emo? no wait, whiney bitches...

on new years eve, i realized that i was basically dancing a one man tango, and thus, determined not to welcome two double 'o' nine crestfallen, i decided that it was about damn time i stopped being a bitch about it. i now open my arms to problems, welcome issues, greet misfortune and pretty much adore insanity.

so heres to you 2009, now to see if the secret really works...